Monday, November 19, 2012

My Heavy Agenda

The first time I heard heavy agenda, it really struck a chord with me. I mean who doesn't have a heavy agenda? I've spent so many years saying "oh well, I'll start tomorrow"....or Monday....over and over and over. Eight months ago I separated from my spouse when I was seven months pregnant and with an almost two year old. It was a destructive and toxic relationship, one that I completely lost myself in along with my self confidence. So now I'm still dusting myself off and realize that I find myself faced with now or never. I have a time frame that no longer allows starting something later when later never comes.

When I was seven years old I remember watching Kiana Tom's Flex Appeal wanting so badly to be just like her, watching her host fitness competitions and being in awe of such disciplined women who were strong, smart, and beautiful. I was always the girl with an obsession for fitness making my friends "sweat to the oldies" with Richard Simmons at my twelve year old slumber parties (seriously..) and though I've always been in shape, I've never been FIT. I mean fit fit, cut fit. While I have always had a passion for fitness other things in my life would take priority and as I got older the priority rarely was me and this became clear in my last relationship.

Now I have an agenda, and my agenda means everything to me, to me it is a matter of now or never. Regain my life, regain my confidence and use this second chance to do what I want to do and be the role model I want and need to be for my kids. Going to the gym has once again given me the strength and perspective that I need and this again carries over into my personal/work/school life. I am beginning to feel confident enough to know that I can to be one of those women on stage showing the myself that I can be disciplined, I can stick with my goals, I can follow through with something I say I am going to, and most importantly I can feel confident enough in my own skin again to put myself out there and know that regardless of the outcome I can come out of it with my head held high.

I hope you all follow on my journey of health and happiness and join in changing attitudes and putting you and your health first. We all have a heavy agenda and what I've learned when it gets really heavy....squat....if nothing else you'll get a really nice booty out of it :)



  1. Well written post. Glad to know you better.

  2. Nicely written! Proud of you and your pursuit of all that it is healthy!

  3. A pleasure to read. May the Fit Life prevail :-)
