Friday, the best day of the week as far as I am concerned. Last night was a hectic one, tried to get to the gym in fact should have made time. Starting this new venture with Heavy Agenda and tying up loose ends to get it rolling. As it progresses and everything comes together I will share more of this exciting news!!!! As for this morning, no gym time for me, ate late, ate poorly and it did my stomach no good. After eating healthy since April I am finding that any quick drop in the oven meals react in a violent manner with my body as a whole. So that slice of frozen pizza your about to put in your mouth, i wouldn't. I kick myself every time I slip, those innocent bites of processed foods that taste so good but do so much damage. Cheat meals or off days are one thing, unfortunately if that big ole cheese wheel gains momentum its hard to stop it. The biggest battle and threat to my health personally is beer, nice ice cold and bubbly, it kills my growth, kills my motivation and no doubt is a complete waste of time. So why do we continue to battle the same demons that may or may not have put us in the situation we are working at? If the 30 lbs of fat I shed was all from beer and I lost it after putting the beer aside why do I now drink some and justify it all over again?
What is your hardest habit to break?
What do you do to stop it?
Have you had a battle with alcohol or tobacco?
Your stomach will always remind you if you eat something unclean, funny how that works. I too, had a beer for the first time in months on Halloween. Funny, it didn't taste as good as it does in summer. Somebody asked how I could stick with my "diet" the other day and I told them "it's because I am now accountable to another, not just myself". Someone else's disappointment is much harder to bear than my own "I'll be good tomorrow". You'll get through this too